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I’ve been in her DM a whole lot lately.. yep! i’m that annoying follower, that comments on almost every story.. the one you almost want to block but remember you begged GOD for.. and as a new mum, who feels threatened by the weight of such a daunting task [raising an actual human!] she’s done nothing short of making me feel like I may actually smash this [parenting] thing. Which is why, her blog [and the amazing resources she shares, most of the time for FREE!] is so relevant, Allahumma Baarik.

Today, our spotlight is on the beautiful Amina, her demeanor leaves me wanting to keep her talking, and I imagine that [if Allah] wills, the first time i meet her, she’ll be wearing a purple Jilbāb!

Amina is not your regular mummy/parenting blogger, raising mu’meens [a moment for the brand name pleaseee!] is focused on Tarbiyyah for Muslim children - the whats, and hows and whys of raising conscious and confident Muslim children. There could not have been a more relevant time for such.. so, meet Amina..


Assalam alaykum, My name is Amina, and I am a writer, parenting blogger, crafty mum, and spiritual self-development advocate. Does that sound like a lot for one person? Lol I always say that there are many faces to every one of us. And almost all those faces can be of benefit to other people apart from our own selves. And this premise is the why of all my ‘businesses’ – to bring benefit to other people with what I know. I started an Islamic parenting blog (@raisingmumeens) so that I could share Islamic parenting tips with Muslim parents, as well as educational resources that they can use to teach their child about Islam. You will ask if every Muslim parent isn’t supposed to know how to teach already… But the truth is, being a parent is a duty that we must learn about. Many aspects of parenting will come to you instinctively, but many will require you to read and learn from others so that you can give your child an Islamic upbringing that makes them a knowledgeable and spiritually-independent servant of Allah. This premise is also behind my other business, Craftopolis (@craftopolisng), An online art and craft supply store for kids, with craft activity inspirations. Many parents don’t know how to keep their kids entertained and engaged without TV, so I started supplying art and craft items that you can use to create fun at home. TV is not bad when you use it correctly, but I believe that if you want to raise kids who are creators, innovators and independent thinkers, they should spend more time creating stuff than consuming it.

JazaakiLLahu khayr.


I hope, with these few points of hers, you’re convinced and not confused that you need to visit her blog.

and better yet, grab some free learning/teaching tools for your little one(s).

If you'd like to be featured in our spotlight series, send us an email here: with the subject 'Spotlight'.

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